Saturday, November 07, 2009

Graduation Ceremony

第48届高初中毕业典礼 .. ^^
hey , finally form6 they're free . starting a whole new journey again . =)
im glad that they're finally graduated .

there're 9 songs we've prepared .
but we just blowed 5 songs . lol .
when it's time to blow Negaraku , i've make an absolute kinda big mistake =(
my drumsticks hit each other while hitting the 1st note, eventually dropped on the floor .
every single person knew that . == .
wtf .
haiz . and im wasn't nervous ok .

broadcasted form 6's videos like usual ..
and this year's was fantastic i think . =)
*a sudden feeling makes me wented to change my minf on studying form 6

the most amazing part was that 林华雄 and his wife are being farewell ..
his wife cried .. lol
i copied photos from Nicky's blog *sorry~
who's also studied in CH and left while he'd finsih studying form 5 .

ahKuan . ur teacher has been tag . lol

maggie and exyne also been tag at nicky's blog . =)

Tmr's going for MPO . hoho .
well . the end .=)

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